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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Advocate Groups Concerned Landlords May Exploit Covid-19

All over the nation, tensions are increasing among renters as the numbers of infected with coronavirus continue to go up. One of the chief concerns among people who rent their apartments and homes is that they'l...

Fall is Almost Here. Is Your House Ready? Here is What You Need to Do Today

It will not be long before fall is in full swing. As kids begin to head back to school and the temperatures start their slow crawl downward, now is the time to begin thinking about preparing your ho...

COVID-19 Creates a New Type of Housing Boom

A remarkable 35% of renters have missed a rental payment between March and July because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many renters are in low-wage jobs in service industries that were hit hard by closures enacted in order to slow the s...

A Third of Americans Have Outstanding Housing Payments

Many readers out there are likely more than a little fed up with the fact that most of the news cycle in 2020 has been centered entirely on the novel Coronavirus, which first appeared in China way back in January and ...

Mini Housing Boom in July Stands as Hopeful Indicator

Life in America has been more than a little stressful in 2020. Even if one were to magically take away all of the protests and riots that erupted over systemic injustice in American policing, and even if one happened t...

THIS Type of Housing Has Been Linked to Higher COVID-19 Risks

As the pandemic progresses, researchers are getting more and more data on what causes viral infections to spread. One surprising cause of COVID is actually linked to the housing market. It turns out that a lack of...

Facing an Eviction? Why You Need to Understand Your Rights During This Time

The big news in the housing industry this week was the expiration of the eviction protection offered by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This $2.2 trillion stimulus bi...

Colleges Struggle to Finalize Housing Plans As the Fall Semester Approaches

When the COVID-19 pandemic first struck, many people assumed it would be over by summer. However, as the number of positive COVID tests continues to reach new records in the United States, it seems l...

Everything You Need to Know Before You Decide to Buy a Home Sight Unseen

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people buying homes sight unseen has risen sharply. Part of the increase is just due to the fact that many want to stay home and avoid the risk of getting sic...