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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Should You Put Down 20% on Your Home Purchase? Look at These Reasons

Many prospective home buyers erroneously believe that they need to put down 20% on a house in order to obtain a mortgage. However, many lenders and available programs make it easier to get into that dream ...

Empty Offices to Become Affordable Housing

New York City is one of the world's most populous and most popular cities. There isn't a whole lot of space available for anything, which is why people build up. They won't construct wide; they will instead construct tall. After th...

More High Rise Housing on the Docket

When you think of the word "blight," you likely think of falling down houses, a lot of poverty and despair, and people who were once vibrant but are now struggling. Inevitably, most people who think of blight will also think of a state l...

Evictions Caused by the COVID-19 Economic Crisis Could Make the Pandemic Worse

At the height of the closures instituted by local and state authorities, more than 30 million Americans lost their jobs. While some of those employers have since reopened and called back their wor...

Will Urban Dwellers Move to the Suburbs Because of Coronavirus?

There has been talk that COVID-19 could permanently change the housing market in the U.S. The thought was that people would be moving out of cities because they are afraid of crowded conditions leading to spread...

Constructing a new house is very expensive. Therefore, you have to plan before you start your project to ensure that your construction does not stop h...

If you want to make informed decisions before and during your house construction process, there are several factors you ...

10 Insider Tips for Securing a Mortgage in Today's Competitive Market

Navigating the ever-changing housing market can be difficult, especially when applying for a mortgage. Home prices and interest rates can fluctuate drastically; thus, it's critical to stay informed ...

6 Tips to Help You Purchase a Home Before Its Owner Releases It into the Market

After planning and researching the house you want to buy, it may be time to make your dream come true. You may have settled on the location you prefer, the street, or looking for the simplest wa...

As a first-time homeowner, you are hopeful that the process of acquiring a house will be flawless, and you won't encounter many challenges. You should...

While making such a huge financial decision, you should ensure that you are well-informed. Make sure you are well educ...