Housing Insights Central
Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.
Finding Your Dream Home: Tips and Tricks for a Successful Housing Search
You've been searching for the perfect home to fit all your needs and wants, but you're still empty. Don't worry; you're not alone! Finding a dream home is no easy task– but with...
Tips to Ensure Your Home-Buying Experience is a Positive One
Buying a home can be exciting, but a certain level of trepidation accompanies it. Purchasing a property is one of the most important investments you will make in your life, and it is essential to do thorough r...
The Ten Places in the US with the Cheapest Home Ownership Costs for 2020
As housing costs continue to soar, many Americans are giving up on their dreams to break out of the rent cycle and own their own homes. While it's unlikely to find affordable options in high-demand areas...
Know When the Time Is Right to Cut Ties with a Real Estate Agent
Surprisingly enough, the real estate market has remained red-hot through a pandemic and short supply, and low interest rates have kept buyers in the market. Given the unique times that we are living in, you may...
Looking to Save Money with an Interest-Only Mortgage? Consider This First
Continued low-interest rates are making it more attractive than ever to lock in a mortgage. Many borrowers are increasingly looking toward interest-only mortgagee to take advantage of these historical...
The Shocking Reason the Real Estate Market Might Be Headed for a Crash
For the past few months, the housing market has been filled with uncertainty. People feared the financial downturn would lead to a crash, but real estate prices remained reassuringly high for several mont...
7 Tips for a Successful Remote Learning Process
The 2020-21 school year has begun or is about to begin for millions of students across the United States. Many school districts are using a blended or hybrid learning model, and some are all virtual learning, at least through t...
Why Putting Your House on the Market During the Holidays is a Good Idea
Many families are taking advantage of this hot housing market to put their house on the market. While the holidays are generally considered to be the slowest time of the year to list your home, there ar...
Arkansas Veterans to Receive Housing Assistance Vouchers This Month
In a report issued on Friday December 11, the Pine Bluff, AR, housing authority will receive and distribute 10 housing choice vouchers provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Developmen...