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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Looking to Save Money with an Interest-Only Mortgage? Consider This First

Continued low-interest rates are making it more attractive than ever to lock in a mortgage. Many borrowers are increasingly looking toward interest-only mortgagee to take advantage of these historical...

Residents Sue Public Housing Authority Over Inhumane Conditions

The residents of Lakeside Homes in Lansdowne, which is a public housing community in Catonsville in Baltimore County, have sued the county over its lack of response to the substandard conditions in their apartme...

Denver Offers New COVID-friendly Housing Solutions for the Homeless

On January 9, the city of Denver, CO, announced new plans to help homeless people at increased risk of COVID-19 infections and complications. The goal is to keep the people off the streets and in safe and af...

Affordable Housing Measures Put Landlords in Danger

It's an odd sight to see from time to time; people taking to the streets to shout that their politics are right, and the other person's politics are wrong, and vice versa. This is something that has been as American as app...

When looking for a rental house for your family, it is advisable to take your time to ensure that you settle on the best. If you make hasty decisions,...

One of the most important factors to consider when looking for a house is the neighborhood where it's located. The neigh...

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing a Home

Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or have done this before, there are common mistakes you should avoid. However, you may not know how to do it without the correct information concerning the same. Since there are several steps i...

A Tribute to 90 Years of Homeownership with the FHA

On the notable day of June 27, 2024, we observed the outstanding 90-year journey of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), a pillar of American homeownership since its inception via the National Housing Act of 1934, a v...

What Paperwork Do You Need When Buying a House?

Buying a home is a big deal. It takes a lot of steps, and you'll need to gather a bunch of papers to do it. When you buy a home, especially if you need a loan, there will be a lot of personal and financial documents to show ...

What's Next for the Housing Market as Coronavirus Takes Off?

It's no secret that the Coronavirus has turned into a global pandemic with the death toll ticking up every day. While this has plenty of immediate consequences for all involved, plenty of people were lining up hous...